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"Unity does not mean sameness. It means oneness of purpose."


Priscilla Shirer


 To establish a sense of unity and family where young people can grow together in God's word. This environment is meant to motivate and challenge young people to become critical thinkers, ask questions, build character, and be rooted in God as their firm foundation. 


Jesus La Roca does not see the youth as the church of tomorrow, they are the church of today. We strive to help them uncover and cultivate their talents and use them for the glory of God. May the world see Jesus in them. May they learn to be morally strong, in a world that lacks all sense of the word. May they become the next David, Solomon, Ruth, or Esther; and be ambassadors that recruit souls for his kingdom. 

Jesus La Roca no ve los jóvenes como la iglesia de mañana, son la iglesia de hoy. Nos esforzamos a ayudarles a descubrir, cultivar sus talentos y usarlos para la gloria de Dios. Que el mundo vea a Jesús en ellos. Que aprendan a ser moralmente fuertes en un mundo que es todo lo contrario. Que sean como David, Salomón, Rut o Ester; y sean embajadores que ganan almas para su reino. 

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